Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Quick switch

The rest of the afternoon today was a little frutrating to get by. Despite the trying moments, I managed to get through the day. What made it worse was the rain and cold weather. It was not just an ordinary passing shower, it was one of those really draining cold showers that was grey and muddy.Still, I am grateful for the rain as its presence was life for the living creatures of the Earth that thirst.

Today, I am grateful that I managed to get through the day despite a few hiccups. Despite battling personal demons, I won the battle and I am feeling increadibly strong and I stand tall. I don't care what people think, feel or have to wonder..I am me and I will not change for anyone! I don't care what people think of me, its what I think of me that matters. And yes..I love Synyster Gates from Avenged Sevenfold...

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