Friday, November 21, 2008

Daddy's Girl

I don't know how to tell you this. Its been what? 5? 6.. beautiful years of crazy, and sensuous times. You are simply insatiable, and as time went by, I realized that I had feelings for you. Maybe they got lost somewhere in the midst of all the passion, maybe it got stuck in the midst of my tears when I talked about us.

Are you really back for good? Did you really miss me? Or is it just bait to catch me, to miss you..for your own thrill and excitement... I miss your voice, and I crave to hear you call my name...always 'Daddy's Girl'..

Some part of me wants to forget you, some part of me wants to just bury us deep in a cemetery of dead memories. I can't trust your love for me, what about her? and the little one? Would you forsake all of that for me...

Forget me, and go back..step back away and love her again...I have found my true destiny and wether I will live happily, or even die an untimely death, I would be happier if you just stayed where you are and made him happy..your little angel...

Yes, I still love you... I just got lost somewhere...but I love you just as a friend now... nothing more, nothing less. I can't go back there anymore, is just too complicated for me to think anymore... the pieces just don't fit anymore.

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