Saturday, December 6, 2008

Maybe loneliness is my better friend

'How did we get here? I used to know you so well...
How did we get here? I think I know..'
Decode : Paramore

Confusion. Voices in my head screaming; low growls, almost animal like. Trying to make sense of everything while keeping the angered beast at bay. Trying to justify the meaning of what happened yet unsure and not caring.

So much anger and yet I am unsure where the point starts and where it ends. What exactly the source is and why its even happening. So many questions, so many unanswered 'whys'. I stare blankly at the four walls surrounding me...

tick tick tick...

Emptiness; only the sound of my breath echoes this haven I use to call my home. Giggling, merry laughter and so much happiness. Children running but I see shadows, no faces. I try to reach out but I'm pulled back..back to a place I don't belong..

I beg; Let me stay..I want to be with my angels...

You refuse to hear me; You refuse to let me stay. This darkness is all the friend I have..

tick tick tick...

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